To grant access, go to the university’s CampusESP platform and click on the link that says “Are you faculty or a student? Log in here." This link may have different language at your college/university, but it will always be under the “Terms of Service apply” message.
You will be taken to a sign-in page. Enter your University User ID and password and click “Log In.” This will be the same Username and Password you use to sign into other University sites.
To revoke access, click the connection that you would like to edit access for. Then, select the records that you would like to revoke access to. You may either select to revoke all available records or individually select the records you'd like to revoke access to. Click “Continue” and then click “Update Connection.”
NOTE: Your connection’s data permissions and their view will only be adjusted after you click “Update Connection.”
If you would like to full cancel a connection and revoke all access, just click the red "Cancel Connection" button at the bottom of the screen, as shown below.
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