If you already ordered tickets for an event, use this guide to increase the number of tickets you have ordered.
NOTE: If you are looking to decrease the number of tickets you have ordered or are requesting a refund, you will need to contact a staff member at your student's institution. To find their best contact information, look at the right-hand side on the desktop version of your newsfeed.
1) Access your Events
To access your events, click on the Person icon in the top right corner and click on Edit my Profile.
2) View your Events
To see the events for which you have already registered, click on "View My Events."
3) Select an Event
Click on the event name for which you would like to add more tickets to your order! In this case, we'll use Family Weekend 2020.
4) Click on "Make additional ticket or product purchases? Click here."
Select this button to be taken back to edit your order.
5) Add more tickets.
Select the number of tickets you would like to add to your order. NOTE: You will select the number of tickets you would like to add, not the total number of tickets you need.
6) Your purchase is confirmed!
Once you complete any necessary payment, you will see a new purchase page appear that will have a new record of the payment history for this event.
And that's it! Thanks for reading and registering for an event. If you run into any technical issues, feel free to reach out to support@campusesp.com for assistance. If you have questions about the event time, location, etc., please reach out to the staff of your student's institution. Thank you!
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